Sunday 6 January 2008

Lesson on The Solar System (2)

Pluto is not a planet!

Go to the following website to find out why:

Pluto demoted - no longer a Planet!
Dwarf Planets - Its difference from a Planet
What is a Planet?

Therefore, there are only 8 Planets in the Solar System, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Our Solar System


Unknown said...

pluto is such a small and cold planet for people to live on.

Anonymous said...

Pluto is too small and the temperature is too low for human-being to live in.Although Pluto is not counted as a planet,it is still a dwarf planet.

Anonymous said...

Pluto is very small and it is considered as a dwarf planet. It is too cold for anyone to live there. Pluto is considered a dwarf planet because it is too small to be an ordinairy planet.
natasha wee 5 kindness

Anonymous said...

Pluto is the smallest planet in the solar system and it's considered a dwarf planet. Its temperature is too low for human beings to live in.

Ong Si Ting(30)
5 Kindness

Anonymous said...

Pluto is a dwarf planet. It is impossible for human beings to live in Pluto as the temperature is too low.


super said...

Gerald-Pluto is so small that it is counted as a dwarf planet. The size of Pluto maybe be the size of China.

GUO HUA said...

pluto is a comet?