Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Lesson on The Solar System

In this lesson, you will find out what make up the Solar System and understand the arrangement of planets and their movement round the Sun.

Singapore is in Asia and Asia is a continent on the planet Earth. The Earth is a very special planet. It is able to support life. It is known as the 'blue planet'. Why do you think the Earth is known as the 'blue planet'? Find out the answer on your own.

Let us now find out more about the other planets around us. You will be travelling on a spaceship into outer space to see the planets from another point of view. Click on the link below and launch the game. You need Macromedia Flash Player to travel.

The Astro Adventure

After you have returned to Earth, solve the crossword worksheet and try to write your own nuemonics for the arrangement of the 9 planets.

What are nuemonics?
They are phrases or sentences coined to help one remember details.
E.g. The colours of a rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Its nuemonics will be 'Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain'.

Let's further explore our Solar System.

The Solar System - Windows to the Universe
The Solar System - Our Solar System
The Solar System - The Planet 10
The Solar System - Quiz Try this only after Planet 10


More information on the Solar System:
Refer to the links on the right under Science

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